
Transparent Company


update as of 17/01/2024

Surname and Name Nomination* Curriculum Vitae* Declarations (d.lgs. 39/2013) Total salary of 2018 (Fixed amount + variable amount, gross of legal and contractual withholdings)* Amounts of service travels and missions paid with public funds* Positions in other bodies and related remuneration* Any other position with expenses borne by public finance and related remuneration* Total amount of the remuneration obtained from public finance*
Alaimo Stefano - - 2024 - - - - -
Badiali Andrea - - 2024 - - - - -
Campidoglio Cosimo - - 2024 - - - - -
Carboni Fabrizio - - 2024 - - - - -
Petti Antonio - - 2024 - - - - -
Picchi Fabrizio - - 2024 - - - - -
Ruberti Lorena Anna - - 2024 - - - - -
Talarico Alessandro - - 2024 - - - - -


* Pursuant to art. 1, paragraph 7, of the Thousand-Extensions Law Decree no. 162 of 30.11.2019 (Milleproroghe), converted, with amendments, by law no. 8 of 28 February 2020, and subsequently amended by art. 1, paragraph 16, of the Law Decree no. 183 of 31.12.2020, the publication of such data cannot take place until the issue of the relevant regulation to be adopted, pursuant to article 17, paragraph 2, of the law no. 400 of 23 August 1988, on the proposal of the Minister for Public Administration, in agreement with the Minister of Justice, the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Economy and Finance, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Minister of Defence, following consultation with the Guarantor for the protection of personal data.


Executives at 2023 17/01/2024
Executives at 2022 16/01/2023
Executives at 2021-2 18/01/2022
Executive at 2021 02/11/2021
Executives at 2020 15/01/2021
Executives at 2019 20/01/2020
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