
Local Flexibility Market (MLF) session 30 October 2024: notification under article 23, para.23.2 of the MLF regulations

Having received a request of activation of a trading session of the MLT-Flex from the DSO Areti S.p.A., GME informs Market Participants, under art. 23, para. 23.2 of the MLF Regulations, that:

  1. the trading session will be held on 30/10/2024;
  2. the preliminary information about the MLT-Flex session, necessary for carrying out the trades, will be made available in the MLF information system on 29/10/2024;
  3. the sitting for submission of offers will be opened at 09:00 on 30/10/2024;
  4. the sitting for submission of offers will be closed at 15:30 on 30/10/2024;
  5. the preliminary results of the session will be communicated and published in the MLF information system within 16:00 on 30/10/2024;
  6. the final results of the session, after the technical validation of offers by the DSO, will be communicated and published within 17:00 on 30/10/2024.


Local Flexibility Market (MLF) session 29 October 2024: notification under article 23, para.23.2 of the MLF regulations

Having received a request of activation of a trading session of the MLT-Flex from the DSO Areti S.p.A., GME informs Market Participants, under art. 23, para. 23.2 of the MLF Regulations, that:

  1. the trading session will be held on 29/10/2024;
  2. the preliminary information about the MLT-Flex session, necessary for carrying out the trades, will be made available in the MLF information system on 28/10/2024;
  3. the sitting for submission of offers will be opened at 09:00 on 29/10/2024;
  4. the sitting for submission of offers will be closed at 15:30 on 29/10/2024;
  5. the preliminary results of the session will be communicated and published in the MLF information system within 16:00 on 29/10/2024;
  6. the final results of the session, after the technical validation of offers by the DSO, will be communicated and published within 17:00 on 29/10/2024.


Now online: issue no. 185 of GME's Newsletter

Implementation of the provisions of TIDE: start of blank tests

Further to its communication of 1 August 2024, GME announces the timetable of the sessions of blank tests, which will involve GME, Terna, and Market Participants. The test sessions, consisting of different stages, will enable participants to familiarise with the new features that have been introduced into the Electricity Market (ME) and the Forward Account Registration Platform (PCE) with a view to implementing TIDE.

To give support to Market Participants in carrying out the blank tests, GME has published the Technical Rules associated with the ME Rules and the PCE Rules for merely informational purposes, Indeed, the Technical Rules will take effect at the same time as the entry into force of the amended ME Rules and PCE Rules.


Planning of testing activities – general information

The tests will take place in the period from 22 October to 20 December 2024. Their detailed programme will be made known on a weekly basis, through an appropriate notice published on GME’s test platforms involved in the tests, i.e. PCE, IPEX, and XBID_PN.

For additional requests or queries concerning the test sessions, please write


How to access the test platforms

For participation in the tests, GME’s digital platforms will be available from 21 October 2024 at the following addresses: (IPEX portal) (registrations of users of IPEX/XBID_PN) (IPEX WS) (PCE portal) (PCE WS) (XBID_PN portal) (API/JSON XBID_PN) (WS XBID_PN)


Information about Users and identification data of Market Participants will be aligned with that already present on GME’s live platforms upon 1 October 2024.

In this regard, GME points out that Users not yet enabled for the test platforms may, from 17 October 2024, request registration with the platforms by writing to

The data entered during the tests will not be used for operational purposes.

The documentation supporting the tests is available at the following links: ME RulesTechnical Rules ME (Italian version only)PCE RulesTechnical Rules PCE (Italian version only)

Online webinar TIDE presentation

Webinar with Market Participants

Monday, 14 October 2024





10:30 – 10:45

 Presentation by a representative of Arera

M. Pasquadibisceglie

10:45 - 11:15

 Presentations by representatives of Gme  

F. Carboni, S. Alaimo, GME

11:15 – 12:15

Changes to GME’s digital platforms: blank tests with market participants on the ME and PCE  

A. Petti, M. Pession, GME

12:15 – 13:00




Presentation (Italian version only):

Introduzione al TIDE: impatti sulle piattaforme di mercato

Electricity Market, Natural-Gas Market, and Platform for the Trading of Bids/Offers of Natural Gas – entry into force of the relevant Rules and Regulations and go-live of the Organised Marketplace Reporting Platform (OMPR Platform)

Following its previous communications of 8 July 2024 and 24 July 2024, GME informs market participants that, as of today, with their publication on GME’s website, amendments to the Integrated Text of the Electricity Market Rules (ME Rules), Natural-Gas Market Rules (MGAS Rules) and Regulations of the Platform for the Trading of Bids/Offers of Natural Gas (P-GAS Regulations) will enter into force.

Concurrently, with their publication on GME’s website today, also the new versions of the Technical Rules for the ME, the M-GAS, and the P-GAS will enter into force. These Technical Rules have been updated in view of the implementation of the above-mentioned amendments to the ME and MGAS Rules and to the P-GAS Regulations.


  1. Integrated Text of the Electricity Market Rules (ME Rules)
  2. Technical Rule no. 3 ME
  3. Technical Rule no. 4 ME
  4. Technical Rule no. 8 ME
  5. Technical Rule no. 10 ME



  1. Natural-Gas Market Rules (MGAS Rules)
  2. Technical Rule no. 14 MGAS
  3. Technical Rule no. 16 MGAS
  4. Technical Rule no. 19 MGAS
  5. Technical Rule no. 22 MGAS



  1. Regulations of the Platform for the Trading of Bids/Offers of Natural gas (P-GAS Regulations)
  2. Technical Rule no. 3 P-GAS
  3. Technical Rule no. 11 P-GAS


For any queries, please write to

Implementation of TIDE provisions: updating of the Electricity Market Rules and of the PCE Rules

To provide Market Participants with an update about the implementation of the provisions of Testo Integrato del Dispacciamento Elettrico (Integrated Text of Electricity Dispatching Rules - TIDE), adopted by ARERA with its Resolution 345/2023/R/eel, GME is publishing, solely for informational purposes, the revised versions of the Integrated Text of the Electricity Market Rules (ME Rules) and of the Rules governing the Forward Account Registration Platform (PCE Rules), pending their approval by the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security and ARERA, respectively. The two documents have been updated on the basis of the results of the relevant consultation process (Consultation Document no. 01/2024) and of Resolution 304/2024/eel, adopted by ARERA, concerning provisions on the Replacement of the national single price and amendments to the Integrated Text of Electricity Dispatching Rules (TIDE) in view of its entry into operation on 1 January 2025.

GME will make the final versions of the ME and PCE Rules available in a timely manner, at the end of their approval process, so that Market Participants may become aware of the relevant provisions well ahead of their entry into force.

Moreover, GME will organise blank tests in order to enable Market Participants to test the new features introduced into the Electricity Market and the PCE as a result of the implementation of TIDE. The instructions for attending the tests and their timetable will be made known through a subsequent communication.

Finally, to support Market Participants in carrying out the blank tests, GME will publish the Technical Rules (accompanying the ME and PCE Rules), solely for informational purposes, before the start of the tests. However, the Technical Rules will enter into force at the same time as the amendments to the ME and PCE Rules.

  1. ME Rules (Italian version only)
  2. PCE Rules (Italian version only)

Electricity Market, Natural-Gas Market, and Platform for the trading of bids/offers of natural gas – access to the Organised Marketplace Reporting (OMPR) Platform

Following its communication of 8 July 2024, GME announces that, as of today, its Organised Marketplace Reporting (OMPR) Platform is available at

Participants in the MPE, MTE, MP-GAS, MT-GAS, and P-GAS (“REMIT Markets”) are thus invited to complete the procedures specified in the above-mentioned communication of 8 July 2024 by 30 September 2024.

On 1 October 2024, the OMPR Platform will begin its Data Reporting Service for all Participants authorised to access the Platform.

For further information, please write to the following e-mail address of GME:

Phone scams

Following some reports received by telephone and email to Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A. ("GME"), it seems that these telephone calls are made by a supposed "GME Office" and/or so-called GME operators, regarding proposals to change the electricity and/or gas supplier due to increases in cost of energy, not properly specified, or problems in the current supply, which were followed, in some cases, by emails with similar content.

It should be remembered that GME is completely unrelated to the event mentioned above. We would like to clearly state that we do not provide, in any way, commercial services such as those described above. Furthermore, we do not use communication methods with our clients such as those outlined above.

When in doubt, we always suggest to make sure of the above by contacting your current electricity and/or gas supplier according to the contact methods made available by the same. In any case, we suggest to avoid any possible follow up about proposals such as those highlighted above, in order not to face any unpleasant inconveniences.


Annual Accounts

See Annual Accounts since 2004


Annual Reports

See annual reports since 2006