


Spot Market MPE


The Day-Ahead Market (MGP) hosts the majority of electricity trading transactions. 

In the MGP, blocks of energy pertaining to market time intervals of the following day are traded. 

Participants in this market submit bids/offers in which they specify the quantity and the maximum/minimum price at which they are willing to purchase/sell. 

Bids/offers are accepted after the closing of the market session, on the basis of economic merit and in compliance with the transit limits between zones. The MGP is therefore an auction market and not a continuous trading market. 

All supply offers and demand bids referring to both injection and withdrawal portfolios that are accepted in the MGP are valued at the marginal clearing price of the zone to which they belong. This price is determined, for each minimum market time interval, by the intersection of the demand and supply curves and it differs from zone to zone when transit limits are saturated.. 

For each demand bid accepted in the MGP sessions in respect of withdrawal portfolios belonging to a geographical market zone, GME will determine the compensatory component that the Participant submitting the bid is required to pay (if negative) or to receive (if positive); this component is equal to the product between the accepted quantity and the difference between the above-mentioned relative marginal clearing price and the PUN Index GME.  

GME acts as a central counterparty. 


The Intra-Day Market (MI) allows Participants to modify the commercial positions defined in the MGP through additional supply offers or demand bids. Trading in the MI takes place through three MI-A auction sessions and one MI-XBID continuous trading session. 

In the MI-A auction sessions, concurrently with the trading of demand bids and supply offers, intra-day interconnection capacity between all the zones of the Italian market and the other geographical zones interconnected with them and involved in Market Coupling is allocated. 

Demand bids and supply offers are selected on the basis of the same criterion as described for the MGP.

The MI-XBID continuous trading session is divided into three phases in which, concurrently with the trading of demand bids and supply offers, intra-day interconnection capacity between all the zones of the Italian market and other geographical zones interconnected with them and  active in the XBID is allocated.  

For each continuous trading phase of the MI-XBID, GME organises an order book divided into geographical and/or virtual zones. 

The MI-A auction sessions and the trading phases of the MI-XBID session take place in a sequential and non-overlapping manner. 

GME acts as a central counterparty. 


The Daily Products Market (MPEG) is the venue for the trading of daily products with energy delivery obligation. 

All Electricity Market Participants are automatically admitted to the MPEG. 

Trading in the MPEG takes place in continuous mode. 

The net delivery position resulting from the trading of daily products in the MPEG is registered in terms of corresponding transactions on the PCE, according to the methods set out in the ME Rules. 

GME acts as a central counterparty. 

The daily products currently tradable in the MPEG are the products with “unit price differential”, with Baseload and Peak Load delivery profiles.


This is the venue where Terna procures the resources that it requires for the balancing and redispatching service. The MSD consists of the sessions specified in the Dispatching Rules.


The Nomination Platform (PN) is the platform organised and managed by GME pursuant to ARERA Resolution 350/2019/R/EEL to enable the nomination on units of the commercial positions resulting from the MGP and MI.

The nomination phase for each Imbalance Settlement Period (ISP) closes 57 minutes before the start of the corresponding ISP (equal to a quarter-hour Q) of delivery (Q-57).

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