
Monitoring and REMIT


In order to implement the provisions under Article 8 of the European Regulation 1227/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated October 25, 2011 on the integrity and transparency of wholesale energy market (REMIT) and Article 6 of the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 1348/2014 dated December 17, 2014 (Implementing Acts) on the compliance with the obligation of reporting the data and information about those transactions carried out on wholesale energy products towards ACER, GME offers a service of data reporting as Register Reporting Mechanism (RRM) to its Market Participants in order to allow them interacting with a single source to fulfil their obligation to report to ACER.

The following are key features of the service and the dedicated platform currently being implemented by GME whose operational details will be announced by GME in the coming months.


The services made available by GME through the Data Reporting Platform (PDR) are available only to those - falling within the scope of obligation to report required by the REMIT Regulation -which have acquired the Market Participant status within the energy markets/platforms managed by GME - and that are in possession of ACER code obtained following registering at one of the National registries as set forth in Article 9 of the REMIT Regulation.
The services listed in the PDR can be activated by the Market Participants with reference to the orders submitted and the transactions concluded both on the markets regulated by GME as well as - in addition to the former - outside of the same.
The PDR platform allows Market Participants, which have signed the PDR Contract and received by GME the relevant credentials, to benefit from one or more of the following services (depending on the selection made by the Market Participant in the Contract):

  1. 1. Download Service: this service is addressed to Market Participants wishing to refer to a RRM different from GME and therefore, allows only downloading from the PDR the report in ACER format referred to orders submitted and/or transactions concluded on GME’s markets;
  2. 2. Data Reporting Service: this service consists in the preparation, in ACER format, by GME and subsequent transmission to the ACER of the report containing data on orders submitted and/or transactions concluded on the markets of GME;
  3. 3. Upload Service: in addition to the service of data reporting described in the paragraph above, the Market Participant can use the option that allows it/him/her to upload on the PDR - already in the ACER format - the report that contains data concerning orders submitted and transactions concluded outside the markets regulated by GME. This report will be transmitted by GME to ACER in order to comply with the data reporting obligation of the Market Participant. This service also provides the ability for Market Participants who have received a special proxy, to load on the platform also relevant data on behalf of the own counterparties.

For completion, it should also be noted that GME makes anyway available all data and information needed for the purpose to the subjects who intend autonomously (or through entities other than GME) to perform the reporting of data of own relevance to ACER, related to the orders submitted and/or transactions concluded on the markets/platform of GME and to all the data and information required for the purpose.
The information supplementary to those available on the platforms of the market, leading to full completion in an independent way of the reports for the standard contracts concluded onto the GME markets required from ACER by Participants that are not taking advantage of the services made available by GME through the PDR, are avalaible at the following link:
Data reporting support table

For information on PDR services or reporting issues related to the reports, please write to:

For any issues regarding the access to the PDR (i.e. admission procedure and release of login credentials), please write to:

Constant monitoring of the markets

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