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Implementation of the provisions of TIDE: entry into force of amendments to the integrated text of the electricity market rules

Further to its communication of 24 December 2024, GME informs market participants that, as of today, the amendments to the Integrated Text of the Electricity Market Rules (hereafter: ME Rules) will enter into force. The amendments, approved by the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security (MASE) with its Decree no. 450 of 20 December 2024, were aimed at implementing the provisions laid down in the Integrated Text of the Electricity Dispatching Rules (TIDE), and at introducing a compensatory component into the Electricity Market after the replacement of Prezzo Unico Nazionale (PUN – national single price).

As of today, with their publication on GME’s website, also the new updated versions of the Technical Rules related to the ME Rules will take effect. The updated Technical Rules are as follows:


  1. Technical Rule no. 01 rev 03 - Holidays
  2. Technical Rule no. 03 rev 09 - Loss of Qualifications or Default by the Bank Issuing the Bank Guarantee
  3. Technical Rule no. 04 rev 10 - Submission, modification, allocation and return of guarantees
  4. Technical Rule no. 05 rev 08 - VAT Taxation in the Electricity Market
  5. Technical Rule no. 06 rev 01 - Notifications about the procedure of admission/exclusion to/from the market
  6. Technical Rule no. 07 rev 12 - Bid/Offer Adequacy Verifications and Available Amount of Financial Guarantees
  7. Technical Rule no. 08 rev 18 - Invoicing of payables/receivables and settlements of payments
  8. Technical Rule no. 09 rev 01 - Unit of measurement
  9. Technical Rule no. 10 rev 01 - Communication of the ACER code
  10. Technical Rule no. 11 - Market time interval and imbalance settlement period



  1. Technical Rule no. 01 rev 06 - Trading Period and Regulation of Contracts in the MTE
  2. Technical Rule no. 02 rev 04 - Submission of bids/offers into the MTE
  3. Technical Rule no. 03 rev 04 - Price and Quantity Limits
  4. Technical Rule no. 04 rev 01 - Reference price
  5. Technical Rule no. 05 rev 2 - Closing of contractual positions upon default



  1. Technical Rule no. 01 rev 03 - Solar Time and Daylight Saving Time in the MGP, MI and MSD
  2. Technical Rule no. 02 rev 5 - Management of Emergency Conditions in the MGP, MI, PN and MSD
  3. Technical Rule no. 03 rev 12 - Timing of activities for the sessions of the MGP, MI, MSD and for the Nomination Platform
  4. Technical Rule no. 04 rev 6 - Submission of Bids/Offers
  5. Technical Rule no. 05 rev 3 - Products tradable in the MGP and MI, number of multiple bids/offers in the MGP, MI-A and MSD and maximum number of block bids/offers in the MGP and MI-A
  6. Technical Rule no. 08 rev 3 - Methods for calculating the margins for the purposes of the MGP and MI by GME in the event of non-receipt
  7. Technical Rule no. 10 rev 4 - Checks of technical adequacy of bids/offers with respect to margins
  8. Technical Rule no. 11 rev 8 - Definition of Conventional Prices
  9. Technical Rule no. 13 rev 1 - Reopening of the MGP sitting
  10. Technical Rule no. 14 rev 1 - Defining the results of the MGP and MI
  11. Technical Rule no. 15 rev 2 - Non-performance of market coupling
  12. Technical Rule no. 17 rev 1 - Daily products tradable in the MPEG and trading period
  13. Technical Rule no. 18 rev 2 - How to submit offers/bids into the MPEG
  14. Technical Rule no. 19 rev 1 - Booking of margins for forward accounts on the PCE and registration of net delivery positions
  15. Technical Rule no. 20 rev 3 - Technical limits of bids/offers in the MGP, MI and MSD
  16. Technical Rule no. 21 rev 1 - Procedures for submitting requests for registration of nominations
  17. Technical Rule no. 22 rev 1 - Verification of validity and adequacy of requests for registration of nominations, determination and communication of nominations
  18. Technical Rule no. 23 - Units and aggregations of units for injection, withdrawal, and provision of ancillary and redispatching services
  19. Technical Rule no. 24 - Creation of zonal portfolios
  20. Technical Rule no. 25 - PUN Index GME
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