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Local Flexibility Market: start of the first spot auctions by the DSO ARETI

GME announces that its Local Flexibility Market (MLF) will move into its second experimental stage with the organization of the first sessions of the Local Spot Market (MLP-Flex), as part of the RomeFlex pilot project of ARETI.

From the next month of July, the DSO Areti will procure local ancillary flexibility services by activating appropriate daily sessions of the MLP-Flex, during which the eligible BSPs may offer services to be delivered through their respective distributed resources.

ARETI will timely notify GME of the activation of daily sessions of the MLP-Flex and GME will make it known to market participants through the MLF operating system.

In particular, ARETI has communicated that the first auctions of the MLP will be held on the following days:

  1. 08/07/2024
  2. 09/07/2024
  3. 10/07/2024
  4. 11/07/2024

The timings of the auctions will be those indicated in Technical Rule no. 09 MLF.

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