GME-Accesso ai Mercati

Market Access




In order to improve the liquidity of the products traded on the market, GME, pursuant to Article 27, paragraph 27.1, of the Rules, has provided to carry out the Market Making activity.

Gas market operators (MGAS), interested in carrying out this activity, submit a specific request to GME in compliance with the methods and terms defined in MGAS Technical Rules 18.

In particular, each MGAS participant that falls within the conditions identified in the aforementioned Technical Rules, can request to carry out the Market Making activity, by submitting the request to carry out the Market making activity, of the appropriate contract with GME, and the product selection form.

The performance of Market Making activity on the MGAS provides for the commitment, but not the obligation, for the operators who have signed the Membership Agreement for carrying out the Market Making activity to support, as LPs, the liquidity of specific products traded on the market, through the display of purchase and/or sale offers or the conclusion of the related transactions.

To LP participants that have carried out the Market Making activity in compliance with the terms, methods and conditions defined in the aforementioned Technical Rules, GME recognizes the fees indicated therein.

Information on methods and timing of billing and payment of the fees paid to LP operators are contained in MGAS Technical Rule n. 16 and subsequent amendments.

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