

Green Certificates



The ordinary sessions of the green certificate market are open to buyers or sellers, the GSE, domestic and foreign manufacturers, importers of electricity, or wholesale customers and associations (consumers and users' associations, environmental groups, trade unions).

The GSE-dedicated green certificate market sessions - organized to allow the sale of the green certificates withdrawn by the GSE - are open to Participants (as Buyers) obliged pursuant to art. 11 of the Legislative Decree no. 79 of March 16/ 1999 while the GSE may only participate as Seller.

These entities should also meet the following requirements:
- they should be proficient in the use of ICT systems and related security systems;
- they should have never been convicted (with a final judgement or with a judgement inflicting the penalty at the request of the parties) of agiotage, violation of the privacy of ICT or IT communications or computer fraud;
- they should have not been previously excluded from the Green Certificates Market.

To be admitted to the market, the applicant should:
1. submit a Market Participation Application (in the format enclosed to the Integrated Text of the Electricity Market Rules), accompanied by documents certifying that he/she/it qualifies under the above requirements and by a copy of a personal identity document of the signer of the application;

(ATTENTION: to participate in the Green Certificates Market only, please tick (☑) the box before the wording "Green Certificates Market" on page 2 of the Market Participation Application form; to participate in both the Green Certificates Market and the Electricity Market, please select both boxes);

2. submit a Market Participation Agreement (in the format enclosed to the Integrated Text of the Electricity Market Rules) in two originals. Each page of the Agreement should be signed by the legal representative of the applicant. In the Agreement, the contracting party should declare to be aware of and accept the Integrated Text of the Electricity Market Rules without any condition or reservation.

The notification of admission to the Market qualifies the applicant as Market Participant. Market Participants are entered into a "Register of Market Participants", which is held by GME in compliance with personal data privacy legislation.

Green Certificates Market Participants are required to pay a fee for the services provided by GME for each certificate traded (for details, go the Fees section).

The Green Certificates Market Participant's Guide provides useful information on how to complete the Application and the Agreement and on the documentation to be enclosed thereto.

Once the admission is finalized, all those interested in participating to the sessions of the market trading of green certificates will have to proceed to the electronic registration of the company and users authorized to operate on their own.
The procedures for registration of companies and users are described in the Technical Rules.

The Market Participation Application and all the documents to be enclosed thereto should be submitted only in the Italian language.

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