
GME’s New Website replacing the current version on 1 October 2024

As announced on 2 May, as of today,  GME reminds that its historical website will remain available at until 30 September 2024 and that, until that date, it will be updated and remain searchable and navigable as usual. The option to download results via FTP will remain unaltered.

Thus, GME invites all users to familiarise with its NEW WEBSITE that, from 1 October 2024 on, will be the only reference portal of GME, accessible at and at

From the same date, GME’s historical website will remain available at, until its complete deactivation on 31 December 2024.


GME’s New Website replacing the current version on 1 October 2024

As announced on 2 May, as of today,  GME reminds that its historical website will remain available at until 30 September 2024 and that, until that date, it will be updated and remain searchable and navigable as usual. The option to download results via FTP will remain unaltered.

Thus, GME invites all users to familiarise with its NEW WEBSITE that, from 1 October 2024 on, will be the only reference portal of GME, accessible at and at

From the same date, GME’s historical website will remain available at, until its complete deactivation on 31 December 2024.


Local Flexibility Market: start of the first spot auctions by the DSO ARETI

GME announces that its Local Flexibility Market (MLF) will move into its second experimental stage with the organization of the first sessions of the Local Spot Market (MLP-Flex), as part of the RomeFlex pilot project of ARETI.

From the next month of July, the DSO Areti will procure local ancillary flexibility services by activating appropriate daily sessions of the MLP-Flex, during which the eligible BSPs may offer services to be delivered through their respective distributed resources.

ARETI will timely notify GME of the activation of daily sessions of the MLP-Flex and GME will make it known to market participants through the MLF operating system.

In particular, ARETI has communicated that the first auctions of the MLP will be held on the following days:

  1. 08/07/2024
  2. 09/07/2024
  3. 10/07/2024
  4. 11/07/2024

The timings of the auctions will be those indicated in Technical Rule no. 09 MLF.

PDC-OIL: Notification of data on the monthly storage and transit capacity of mineral oils – III QUARTER 2024

Following the notice date 19 January 2018, it is hereby announced that the "time window" relating to the collection of data on the monthly storage and transit capacity of mineral oils referred to the third quarter of 2024, is scheduled between 1st and 22nd April 2024 from Monday to Friday, from 09:30 am to 5:30 pm.

Specifically, in the aforementioned period, the persons subject to the notification obligation referred to in Article 2, paragraph 2.1, of the Ministerial Decree of 5 July 2017, no. 17433, are required to send to GME - through the Mineral-oil storage and transit capacity data reporting platform (PDC-oil) – the data on the monthly storage and transit capacity of mineral oils referred to the period September-December 2024.

Please note that, as provided for by the Ministry of Economic Development with Circular Letter no. 0014614 dated 05 June 2018, the notification of data relating to LPG depots for automotive purposes is excluded from the monthly data collection of the monthly storage and transit capacity of mineral oils.

The parties subject to the notification obligation which are not yet registered on the PDC-oil must access the platform and carry out the registration procedure described in the “PDC-oil participant’s guide”.

For further information, please contact the following e-mail address or contact the telephone numbers 06 8012 4337/4500.

Circular Letter no. 1612 of 19 January 2018

Annex A Monthly Collection of Available Storage CapacityAnnex B Monthly Collection of Available Transit Capacity

Now online: issue no. 182 of GME's Newsletter

Local Flexibility Market (MLF): notification under article 23, para.23.2 of the MLF regulations- 19 June 2024

Having received a request of activation of a trading session of the MLT-Flex from the DSO Areti S.p.A., GME informs Market Participants, under art. 23, para. 23.2 of the MLF Regulations, that:


  1. the trading session will be held on 19/6/2024;
  2. the preliminary information about the MLT-Flex session, necessary for carrying out the trades, will be made available in the MLF information system on 17/06/2024;
  3. the sitting for submission of offers will be opened at 09:00 on 19/06/2024;
  4. the sitting for submission of offers will be closed at 15:30 on 19/06/2024;
  5. the preliminary results of the session will be communicated and published in the MLF information system within 16:00 on 19/06/2024;
  6. the final results of the session, after the technical validation of offers by the DSO, will be communicated and published within 17:00 on 19/06/2024.


Annual Accounts

See Annual Accounts since 2004


Annual Reports

See annual reports since 2006